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Forbidden Skies

For mankind it's quite natural to attribute positivity to the sky: vastness, infinity, the divine. Although we make association like these, we are taking the right to determine what we want to see or not. Nonetheless we consider ourselves to be right when judging some of the inhabitants of the sky as disgusting, although they are connected very well to those heavenly realms.


We see and feel the sticky web, but we don't see the infinitely fine weave which is more stable than the one of the best human weaver.

We see seagulls flocking to fishing trawlers, but we forget that they too have a family and that we are destroying their habitat for no reason. We cannot fly, we cannot weave properly, we cannot change our shape, but we judge. We don't see the magic, the divine behind it. But that is exactly what we are looking for all the time.

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